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Frequently Asked Questions

What is your new patient procedure?

Submit your request for a phone consultation with the form on our home page.  The anesthesia provider will take your history during the phone consultation to determine if Ketamine is likely to help your condition and if it is safe for you. At that time we will take your history and request any referral forms and set up a treatment schedule as soon as you are qualified.

Does insurance cover my treatment?

We do not bill your insurance. However, we will provide you with a Super Bill to submit to your insurance provider as a claim.

How much will my treatment cost?

Each infusion costs $499. Payment is due at the time of treatment. If you pay the entire series up front you can save %5 off your entire bill.

Who can administer Ketamine?

Ketamine is given only by or under the immediate supervision of a medical doctor trained to use it. Your anesthesia provider will give you the medicine and closely follow your progress.

What conditions is ketamine used for?

Ketamine has been proven to help with treatment resistant depression, chronic migraine, PTSD, Bipolar disorder, chronic regional pain syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and other disorders. It has been a wonderful relief for families of suicidal patients. 

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